Chad Leman, Current Past President
Chad Leman is a 3rd generation farmer from Woodford County. He owns Leman Farms Inc. which includes the production of hogs, corn, and soybeans. Partnering with contract growers, they market approximately 110,000 hogs each year while utilizing much of their corn production in feed rations for their pigs. In addition, they have operated a Pioneer seed dealership since 1991. Chad is actively involved in his community, serving as an elder at New Castle Bible Church in Mackinaw, Illinois. He and his wife Staci have four daughters, Tessa, Darby, Sofie, and Sierra. Their oldest daughter Tessa recently returned to the farm focusing primarily on the seed dealership.
This is Chad's third term on the IPPA board, currently serving as the President. Chad states that being a part of IPPA has been instrumental in connecting him with legislators, industry professionals, and educators. These acquaintances have been helpful in the multiple expansions his business has gone through. It has also motivated him to stay in touch with lawmakers and lobbyists so that the voice on the farm is heard.
How do you believe the landscape of the industry has changed over the last five years?
“The pork production industry continues to consolidate at a rapid pace. There has been very little expansion in the packing business, so hog producers are limited by shackle spaces. With inflation, and material/supply interruptions, new hog barn construction has come to a standstill. Cost volatility in all facets of production from feed, labor, transportation, and utilities has become the norm. Pig health continues to be a challenge as more regulations take tools out of our toolbox to combat the diseases. Margins have always been tight in this business, and it doesn’t look like that will change any time soon.”
- Current IPPA Board President
- Served as a Member of the Eureka CUSD 140 School Board from 2007-2022
- Serves as a Member of Eagle Point, B1G Bin and ECS Truckwash