Premises ID

Why it is important and how we need to be prepared in Illinois today


How can we get better prepared in Illinois today?

Voluntary premises ID registration with the Illinois Department of Agriculture is the first step. In case of an outbreak, the Illinois Department of Agriculture currently administers a secure and private database of locations where livestock are produced, raised and kept, that can be used to aid animal health officials in case of an animal disease outbreak. This database, along with official animal identification will provide traceability to provide timely response to minimize the economic impact to the livestock industry.

Is your Premises ID Information Updated?

Even though you may already have a premise ID for your farm, keep in mind that the information is only effective if it is up-to-date.

To register a premises or make any address or point of contact changes, transfer of ownership, or updates to the species currently associated with your existing premise ID you can easily and at no cost download the Registration Form that can be accessed by visiting the Illinois Department of Agriculture’s and downloading the registration form HERE


For additional questions or concerns, contact the Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare at the Illinois Department of Agriculture at (217) 782-4944.


PIN Registration Form


FAQ from the Illinois Department of Agriculture