Josh Maschhoff

Vice President/Treasurer

osh Maschhoff was raised around his family’s pork farm in rural Clinton County.  Josh is a Director of Production and Flow for The Maschhoffs and is part of the 6th generation of the family business.  Over the last 15 years he has served the business in various roles writing Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMP), managing environmental stewardship on the family’s farms, overseeing construction on sow farms and finishing facilities across the state, and managing production operations for the legacy sow farm in Carlyle and network of production partner finishers in Southern Illinois and Missouri.  Today he and his wife Angela have four sons, Kyler, Brayson, Zander, and Huxton.


Josh attended the University of Illinois.


 How do you believe the landscape of the industry has changed over the last five years? 

“The world economies are more connected and dependent upon each other than ever. Influences like geopolitics, social media, and trade protectionism impact the industry markets and trade opportunities.”


  • Member of the National Pork Board Swine Health Committee