Rachel Schulte
Dr. Rachel Schulte grew up on a farrow-to-finish and row crop family farm, named Brauer Pork and Brooks Farms, in Cass County. Rachel services farmers in southern Illinois and Indiana and has traveled to China to teach biosecurity. Rachel met her husband while she was interning for the Maschhoff’s in southern Illinois. During veterinary school, Rachel and her husband, Kyle had their first child. They live in Oakford, Illinois and now have three children, Reagan, Kendra and Madeline.
Rachel earned her bachelor’s from Texas A&M University in Animal Science, a master's degree in Business Administration from Iowa State University and her Doctor of Medicine from Iowa State University.
How do you believe the landscape of the industry has changed over the last five years?
” The industry landscape continues to adapt to the needs of the consumer, and hopefully also for the good of the pork producer.”
- American Association of Swine Veterinarians Member - Early Career Committee
- 2001 IPPA Family of the Year
- Student Presentations Award at the AASV Annual Meetings in 2016 and 2017