Dale Weitekamp


Dale Weitekamp lives on a home farm in Montgomery County which has been in the family since 1878. They have used indoor farrow-to-finish production since the early ‘70s then moved to wean-to-finish production in the early 2000s.  Currently the family does wean-to-finish production on contract. Dale and his brother, Allan, currently contract finish 22,000 head. They also are partners in a 6,400 head breed-to-wean sow herd. Dale helps at the local food pantry, serves on the library board, is activity with the Knights of Columbus and is an EMT with Raymond/Harvel Ambulance Service. Dale and his wife Kim have three children, Sarah, Sam, and Anne.  Their family is members of the Saint Raymond Catholic Church.


Dale earned his bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University where he majored in Ag Business. 


How do you believe the landscape of the industry has changed over the last five years? 

“Technology has really made information gathering more assessable.  Segmentation of phases of production." Dale believes promoting the safe, affordable, and healthy attributes of pork while at the same time showing consumers that we can do so in a way that protects the environment, is key to the success of our generation of pig farmers and will allow us to pass this farming tradition on to the next.


  • IPPA Board Member since 2015, serving in all officer positions, including Past President
  • Member of the Mid-Illinois Pork Association, holding all officer positions
  • 2007 IPPA Family of the Year Award
  • Scout Master for Troop 77 in Raymond, Illinois